Creating Ceremonies for
Everyday LIFE
Do you wish Spirit was a bigger part of your Daily Life?
Do you yearn for Ceremony and Sacred Space, but life keeps getting in the way?
Imagine... living your life with Ceremony at its Center - daily, weekly, seasonally.
Imagine... having practical Skills for creating Ceremony each time life presents you with a gift or a challenge.
Imagine Life itself as Ceremony!
An 8-week hands-on journey with DeAnna L'am
February 2 - to March 23, 2023
Get on the Priority list!Our Ancestors knew a secret we have lost:
A Ceremonial Life shapes its path, its route, its outcome.
Rather than 'rolling with the punches' we can use ceremony to shape our deepest intentions into Form.
Living a life of ceremony takes two things: Intention and Skill
We will learn and practice both!
You will come out of this journey with clarity of vision, and with practical skills for creating a ceremony for every occasion.

Our world is becoming more chaotic than we ever thought possible. As time goes by, more people lack certainty and direction, feel increasingly dis-oriented, and fall into despair and depression.
It's hopeful to know we can acquire the skills and tools to reverse this.
Like a garden, our inner landscape depends on nutrients and nourishment. In order to thrive we need to live in-tune with the natural cycles, make space for Spirit in our life, and create ceremony on a regular basis. These are the anti-dots to emotional drought and the path to a deeply meaningful life.
Get on the Priority List!
“Working personally with DeAnna I clearly feel and see a new level of Self Love that came into my life, enriching every part of me. This is the most fundamental work I've ever been a part of.”
~ Mariama Hense, Trauma Counselor, Germany

“I own my power now!
I'm ready to be myself and show it to the world. I have the strength now to take my vision into the world, to act as my heart shows me.”
~ G.B. Midwife, Italy

“What I have gained is more valuable then I can put in words. The healing I received is subtle, profound and powerful beyond measure. The quality of my life has changed. I am comfortable in my body. I have greater love and respect for myself, I have made peace with my past and my relationships have improved.”
~ Monet Brooks, Spiritual Teacher, Medical Intuitive
Join this life-altering journey with wise woman and priestess DeAnna L'am who invites you to discover depths of Spiritual Resources, Renewal, and Change through the creation of a Ceremonial Daily Life
On this journey, you will:

DISCOVER what you may be missing on your spiritual path, what are the next steps to take, and how to Re-Dedicate yourself to your spiritual goals

LEARN how to create an effective ceremony, what elements are necessary to include in each ceremony, and how to bring Balance to your life through ceremony

UNITE fragmented elements in your life, such as the Feminine and Masculine principles, through ceremony. Give voice to your intentions in a ceremonial way

CELEBRATE your life through ceremony. Learn how to avoid overlooking your strengths, and make space for your needs and dreams, through ceremony

SHAPE the elements of your life into a nourishing sustenance. Learn how to read the larger picture emerging from all details in your life, through ceremony

HARVEST the fruits of your labor through ceremony. Learn to let go of what has not come to fruition, give thanks for what flowered and fruited in your life, and balance your spiritual slate

CONNECT with your Ancestors and the Spiritual Traditions of your blood line. Re-weave the broken threads of your lineage into a living spiritual fabric, through ceremony

PLANT SEEDS for the coming cycle of your life, take stock, re-evaluate, and birth visions through ceremony
Change doesn't come from rational thought. Change emerges when we successfully melt fears and resistance from our primal (limbic) brain. Bypassing our intellect, ceremony works directly on our primal brain. It speaks the imaginative language of symbols, which activates our emotional body.
If you tried “Creating your Reality” over and over without much success, you were probably stopped by unconscious beliefs. Ceremony speaks directly to the unconscious mind, much like dreams do. In this empowering journey you will learn to speak directly to your subconscious mind, through the language of ceremony.

Your journey offers:
- 8 weekly Zoom sessions (February 2 - March 23)
- Become fluent in the Language of Ceremony
- Gain skills to create a ceremony for every occasion
- Create a Spiritual Practice that you can sustain
- Receive deeply soothing healing journeys
- Effect Change in your life

Strength, courage, love, talents, and interests came back to my life. I'm happy to be alive again.
~ K. S. Vienna, Austria

"I am forever changed by the experience with you!
I connected with long-ago parts of myself, with which I’d been thirsty to connect. I am called to be more of the woman that I already am, in a greater way than I knew possible!”
~ Amy Mansfield Weinberg, mother and counselor, Sacramento, CA

“What a transformation! To come back to my body, spirit and soul… You have given me insights to connect with myself, as well as my mother and my daughter! I hope women around the world experience such connection and transformation!”
~ Ilke Sternberger, UCLA certified lactation specialist, Dona certified postpartum doula, Owner of nursery school in Los Angeles, CA
About Your Guide
Fondly known as ‘Womb Visionary’, DeAnna helps women love themselves unconditionally.
Apioneer in Menstrual Empowerment DeAnna has been teaching internationally since the early 1990's. She has been on the leading edge of the global Red Tent Movement from its birth, and has trained women to hold Red Tents in over 30 countries.
Born in Romania, raised in Israel, trained in the U.K. and U.S.A. (where she lives) DeAnna brings cross-cultural flavors and insights to her original work, developed over three decades. She teaches women of all ages how to harness their cyclicty as a source of inner guidance and renewal, and helps women move from self judgment to full self acceptance.

As an emissary of inner and outer peace, DeAnna brought Menstrual Empowerment work to her country of origin, Israel, helping Jewish and Palestinian women surpass political and religious differences by deeply bonding around their shared Cyclical nature.
She is author of 'Becoming Peers - Mentoring Girls Into Womanhood', and 'A Diva’s Guide to Getting Your Period'. Founder of Red Moon School of Empowerment for Women & Girls; Red Tent Academy; Womb Academy; Red Tents In Every Neighborhood - Global Network; and International Red Tent Day (celebrated globally on November 8)
Visit her on

Artwork by Marie Jozan
About Wise Woman of the World
Wise Women of the World is an intergenerational project Claire Jozan-Meisel imagined a couple of years ago and birthed with the support of Vanina Grisoni.
Its goal is to give a voice to some foremothers of feminine spirituality and spread their wisdom widely through online platforms, thus allowing the youngest to receive teachings from elders across the globe. Universal knowledge through the eyes of females experience is what WWW is gifting the world.
Blessed be!
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